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Juan Pablo Mata CEO of Grupo Mariposa

CBC integrates ESG metrics promoted by the World Economic Forum

CBC is committed to the local application of global metrics, as these contribute to the well-being of the planet and the communities in which it operates.

For this reason, it adopted the global metrics framework promoted by the World Economic Forum (Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics) and declared its commitment to include them in its future sustainability reports. This is how CBC became the first company in Central America to incorporate ESG metrics, aligned with its sustainability strategy and its Governance pillar.

CBC: Contributing with sustainability

This World Economic Forum initiative will help unify the way in which sustainability reports report environmental, social and governance (ESG) metrics, thus favoring the attraction of foreign investment and integration into regional and global value chains.

ESG metrics are based on existing standards, so they can be reported, regardless of industry or region. These metrics provide comparability, which is particularly important in creating a systemic, globally accepted set of common standards for reporting corporate sustainability performance.

The initiative is a response to the Call to Action of the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, which asks private companies and social enterprises to promote economic opportunities for the people of the region as part of a comprehensive strategy to address the structural causes of migration.


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